In celebration of our Digital win

Because we have a functional moral compass, we can’t scream about this win; Agency Of The Year, atop Mapeera House, shirtless whilst thumping our chests. Even when we have the inner fire of King Kong through our work ethic and competitiveness, we let the ape keep the copyright to that move.

Our 2022 resolution of being ahead of every digital Agency came true. We won Agency of the Year 2022 at the Uganda Marketing Excellence Awards Gala. Not to brag, but we have done this twice in a row. Talk about consistency. We should be your inspiration to, for once, take your gym January resolutions seriously.

The win is a testament to our undying hard work and dedication to our clients, partners, and marketing community. We are the Sisyphus who successfully pushed the rock up the mountain and planted a flag there. We set out to make you proud and did more. To win a gold medal and discovered a gold mine, set out to discover a new route to India, and found America.

Zeus The Agency

A bouquet of congratulations to our clients— our partners in celebration; Uganda Breweries Limited and CFAO Motors Uganda. Uganda Breweries Limited’s ‘Johnnie Walker’ won for the Best use of Experiential marketing for their Walker’s Tour, CFAO Motors Uganda’s ‘Names Have Power’ campaign held the beacon as the Best Advertising Campaign of 2022.

Zeus The Agency hasn’t peaked. Keep engaging us. We have tens of mid and post-credit scenes. We shall keep serving up excellence. Zeus was god of the sky and thus sky is the limit. We’ll, however, continue to aspire to break those barriers.

We shall keep providing the best marketing solutions and front ourselves as the only realistic choice.

We shall keep this Award next to the one of ‘Agency of The Year, 2021’. We have already procured a bigger trophy cabinet because the blueprint to serve, impress and win it three times in a row has already been drawn.

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